Dish Rack from BarkII e-commerce and in-situ – Amazon product photography

Lifestyle and white-background product photographed for Amazon e-commerce. Black product and complex shape.

When the client contacted me and we were planning the studio photo session, he said that he had selected me because of the way I photograph black products. This is something interesting. He said that I show well the dark areas in black products.

I really pay a lot of attention to how much detail I should show on the shadow’s areas, regardless of the color of the product. When the product is black, I need to show it is black and black products have dark shadows as well. How much black is the product really?

Our vision and our mind play tricks on us. When we see a white object, we think it is white but most times it is just a very light grey. The same happens with black objects. When we place very white and very black objects side by side, we increase our perception of how black the black is and how white the white is.

The cameras cannot capture all the dynamic range of colors and brightness we can “see” with our eyes and mind. So, selecting the amount of dark grey that looks like the dark grey of the product is super important. This requires a precise measure of the incident light.

Well, I love the technical aspects of my profession and how to apply them to the desired final image. I could keep writing about it a lot but, I will probably be too boring for most people. If you want to send me a question or a comment, please write at the bottom of this post.

I hope you enjoy the photos.

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If you need Amazon Product Photographycontact us.

Dish Rack Product and Box Log box - Product photo for Amazon-
Dish Rack Product and Box Log box - Product photo for Amazon-

Close-ups help in showing the quality of its material and the brand

The close-up photo of black product on a white background and on a black backgroud.Click on the image to see all the details.
Dish Rack Closeup logo white background - Product photo for Amazon
Dish Rack Closeup logo white background - Product photo for Amazon
Dish Rack Barkii logo closeup with black background
Dish Rack Barkii logo closeup with black background

Other photos of the product with all its possibilities

Dish Rack in use with water running - Product photo for Amazon
Dish Rack in use with water running - Product photo for Amazon

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