Amazon product photography – Food storage containers

Lifestyle Amazon product photography of food containers.

To start this article, I would like to say a big thank you to the team at Wishbone Corner for giving us their products to photograph and allowing us to show them on our website.
Find more information on our main product photography page.

What makes a good Amazon product photography?

In addition to complying with Amazon image requirements, the images should show the following:

1 – Physical characteristics of the product such as size and volume.

2 – Advantages such as ease of use, durability, washability, or anything that is relevant and advantage of the product.

3 – Show the product in use or a lifestyle photo where the client can identify with the product.

It is important to note that one image should send one and only one clear message. If the image shows a feature of the product, it should be a closeup of the part of the product where we can see the feature and nothing more.   

The image on the top of this article is the main image of this product which is a set of 7 food containers. It shows the products with typical food items, has reflections to illustrate the transparency of plastic, and shows how they can be piled together to fit nicely on a shelf.

As per Amazon’s image requirements, this first image has no background. In fact, the background is shown here as a perfect white (RGB 255,255,255).

Food container set of 7 - sample of product photography 640px
Food container set of 7 - sample of product photography 640px

Composite image.


This image is a composite of 4 individual photos that were photographed and retouched individually. You can click on any image to see it larger. 

Amazon product photography sample of main image showing multiple products - Containers with size text
Amazon product photography sample of main image showing multiple products - Containers with size text
Amazon product photography sample of single product showing the side of the product - Larger container
Amazon product photography sample of single product showing the side of the product - Larger container

Features of the group.

This photo was created leaving a good amount of empty space for text.

In this case, the client tells advantages such as durability, washability and the type of material used.

These advantages are not clear only by looking at the images so, the use of text was the best option. 

Amazon product photography sample of group of product in a relaxed composition - Group of four With Text
Amazon product photography sample of group of product in a relaxed composition - Group of four With Text

Close up of product feature.

The close-up action photo shows the easy opening of the lid.

The black space, also known as negative space, was used to add important information to the client.

In this case, the air-tight lid is the most durable on the market.

Amazon product photography sample of close up on feature of product showing finger opening container with text
Amazon product photography sample of close up on feature of product showing finger opening container with text

Photography of product in use. Lifestyle or In-situ photography.

A great example of a photo that tells the intended message.

Message: “The product is dishwasher safe.”

The close-up shows the product wet reinforcing the washability characteristics and durability.

There is no need for any further text.

Amazon product photography sample of product in use. - Product inside dishwasher
Amazon product photography sample of product in use. - Product inside dishwasher

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