Videos and photos of travelling pillows for websites and social media. Combine photos and videos in the same studio session.

Challenges on doing photos and videos on the same studio session.

These products were designed in Melbourne and they are super special. They are a new way of travelling with comfort. The product supports your head without putting pressure on the neck.  I highly recommend you search for “Notnodi” and read more about its features, options, price and buy a few.

We have photographed for Notnodi a few times in the past and this session, we decided to have a combined video and photography session.

One may think that it is only necessary to switch the camera from stills to video mode and that is it.  The intensity and quality of the light required for filming and photography are quite different. The flashes produce a lot of light for only a fraction of a second. The filming light does not have the intensity and full-colour coverage we need to freeze all movements and to have all pin-sharp.

So, we had to have video and photo lighting with all their modifiers in place to share the studio space. It was not easy but we managed to have it all in a way that required only a few movements to switch from one set to the next.

We photographed and filmed the models Chris Bush and Kathryn Kassab. They are real professionals, very friendly and always willing to help.

Talking about help, I must say how good the client’s involvement in the planning and production was. They helped with ideas, props, the selection of the cast and even during the session moving things around and checking that we have all we need.

Click on the images to see them larger

Read more about our product photography here.

Jose Aguiar took photos and videos in our studio in Wantirna South.

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Travelling Pillow Product photography
Travelling Pillow Product photography
Travelling Pillow Product photography
Travelling Pillow Product photography
Travelling Pillow Product photography
Travelling Pillow Product photography

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