Model portrait in the studio with Alyson – Portfolio for creative artists in Melbourne

A model portfolio update with awesome photos

A collection of poses and expressions with clear message and without repetitions

Alyson is a great model and it was a pleasure to work with. We have done a few jobs together.

We started with some corporate portrait poses that are going to be used as samples on the corporate headshots page and then moved to other more creative looks.

Alyson asked to have body shots showing her well-sculptured muscles. I believe a model’s portfolios have to show a variety of looks and poses without repetition. The images should show the model as she/he is. It is ok to use light and shadows to show volume and forms.

Look at these photos and try to identify the message of each one. You will see well the color of her eyes, body front and back, smile, etc. 

Photos by  Jose Aguiar APP M.Photog.

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